
qx_mri.fc.fc_compute_roifc_group(flist, roiinfo, frames, targetf, options)#

fc_compute_roifc_group(flist, roiinfo, frames, targetf, options)

Computes ROI functional connectivity matrices for a group of sujects/sessions.


--flist (str):

A .list file listing the subjects and their files for which to compute ROI functional connectivity, or a well strucutured string (see general_read_file_list).

--roiinfo (str):

A names file for definition of ROI to include in the analysis.

--frames (str, default ''):

The definition of which frames to use, it can be one of:

  • a numeric array mask defining which frames to use (1) and which not (0)

  • a single number, specifying the number of frames to skip at start

  • a string describing which events to extract timeseries for, and the frame offset from the start and end of the event in format: ('title1:event1,event2:2:2|title2:event3,event4:1:2').

--targetf (str, default '.'):

The folder to save images in.

--options (str, default 'roimethod=mean|eventdata=all|ignore=use,fidl|badevents=use|fcmeasure=r|savegroup=|fcname=|saveind=|itargetf=gfolder|verbose=false'):

A string specifying additional analysis options formated as pipe separated pairs of colon separated key, value pairs: "<key>:<value>|<key>:<value>".

It takes the following keys and values:

  • roimethod

    What method to use to compute ROI signal:

    • mean

    • median

    • pca.

    Defaults to 'mean'.

  • eventdata

    What data to use from each event:

    • all

      use all identified frames of all events

    • mean

      use the mean across frames of each identified event

    • min

      use the minimum value across frames of each identified event

    • max

      use the maximum value across frames of each identified event

    • median

      use the median value across frames of each identified event.

    Defaults to 'all'.

  • ignore

    A comma separated list of information to identify frames to ignore, options are:

    • use

      ignore frames as marked in the use field of the bold file

    • fidl

      ignore frames as marked in .fidl file (only available with event extraction)

    • <column>

      the column name in ∗_scrub.txt file that matches bold file to be used for ignore mask.

    Defaults to 'use,fidl'.

  • badevents

    What to do with events that have frames marked as bad, options are:

    • use

      use any frames that are not marked as bad

    • <number>

      use the frames that are not marked as bad if at least <number> ok frames exist

    • ignore

      if any frame is marked as bad, ignore the full event.

    Defaults to 'use'.

  • fcmeasure

    Which functional connectivity measure to compute, the options are:

    • r

      Pearson's r value

    • cv

      covariance estimate.

    Defaults to 'r'.

  • savegroup

    A comma separted list of formats to use to save the group data:

    • txt

      save the resulting data in a long format .txt file

    • mat

      save the resulting data in a matlab .mat file.

    • if format is not specified, data is not saved to a file.

    Defaults to ''.

  • fcname

    An optional name to add to the output files, if empty, it won't be used. Defaults to ''.

  • saveind

    A comma separated list of formats to use to save the invidvidual data:

    • txt

      save the resulting data in a long format txt file

    • mat

      save the resulting data in a matlab .mat file

    • if format is not specified, data is not saved to a file.

    Defaults to ''.

  • itargetf

    Where to save the individual data:

    • gfolder

      in the group target folder

    • sfolder

      in the individual session folder.

    Defaults to 'gfolder'.

  • verbose

    Whether to be verbose when running the analysis:

    • true

    • false.

    Defaults to 'false'.

  • debug

    Whether to print debug when running the analysis:

    • true

    • false.

    Defauts to 'false'.


  • title

    The title of the extraction as specifed in the frames string, empty if extraction was specified using a numeric value.

  • roi

    A cell array with the names of the ROI used in the order of columns and rows in the functional connectivity matrix.

  • subject

    A structure array with the following fields for each subject/session included in the analysis:

    • id

      An id of the subject/session.

    • r

      Correlation matrix between all ROI for that subject/session.

    • fz

      Fisher z transformed correlation matrix between all ROI for that subject/session.

    • z

      z-scores for the correlations.

    • p

      p-values for the correlations.


The function returns a structure array with the following fields for each specified data extraction.

Based on saveind option specification a file may be saved with the functional connectivity data saved in a matlab.mat file and/or in a text long format:

  • <listname> is the filename of the provided <flist> w/o the extension.

  • <fcname> is the provided name of the functional connectivity computed, if it was specified.

The text file will have the following columns (depending on the fcmethod):

  • name

  • title

  • subject

  • roi1

  • roi2

  • cv

  • r

  • Fz

  • Z

  • p


The function computes functional connectivity matrices for the specified ROI for each subject/session listed in the flist list file. If an event string is provided, it has to describe how to extract event related data using the following specification:

<title>:<eventlist>:<frame offset1>:<frame offset2>

Multiple extractions can be specified by separating them using the pipe '|' separator. Specifically, for each extraction, all the events listed in a comma-separated eventlist will be considered (e.g. 'congruent,incongruent'). For each event all the frames starting from the specified beginning and ending offset will be extracted. If options eventdata is specified as 'all', all the specified frames will be concatenated in a single timeseries, otherwise, each event will be summarised by a single frame in a newly generated events series image.

From the resulting timeseries, ROI series will be extracted for each specified ROI as specified by the roimethod option. A functional connectivity matrix between ROI will be computed.

The results will be returned in a fcset structure and, if so specified, saved.