
qx_utilities.hcp.setup_hcp.setup_hcp(sourcefolder='.', targetfolder='hcp', sourcefile='session_hcp.txt', check='yes', existing='add', hcp_filename='automated', hcp_folderstructure='hcpls', hcp_suffix='', use_sequence_info='all', slice_timing_info='no')#

setup_hcp [sourcefolder=.] [targetfolder=hcp] [sourcefile=session_hcp.txt] [check=yes] [existing=add] [hcp_filename=automated] [hcp_folderstructure=hcpls] [hcp_suffix=""] [use_sequence_info=all] [slice_timing_info=no]

The command maps images from the sessions's nii folder into a folder structure that conforms to the naming conventions used in the HCP minimal preprocessing workflow.


--sessionsfolder (str, default '.'):

The sessions folder where all the sessions are to be mapped to. It should be a folder within the <study folder>.

--sessions (str, default ''):

An optional parameter that specifies a comma or pipe separated list of sessions from the inbox folder to be processed. Regular expression patterns can be used. If provided, only sessions from the list of sessions will be processed.

--sourcefolder (str, default '.'):

The base session folder that contains the nifti images and session.txt file.

--targetfolder (str, default 'hcp'):

The folder (within the base folder) to which the data is to be mapped.

--sourcefile (str, default 'session_hcp.txt'):

The name of the source session.txt file.

--check (str, default 'yes'):

Whether to check if session is marked ready for setting up hcp folder.

--existing (str, default 'add'):

What to do if the hcp folder already exists. Options are:

  • 'abort' ... abort setting up hcp folder

  • 'add' ... leave existing files and add new ones

  • 'clear' ... remove any existing files and redo hcp mapping.

--hcp_filename (str, default 'automated'):

How to name the BOLD files once mapped into the hcp input folder structure. The default ('automated') will automatically name each file by their number (e.g. BOLD_1). The alternative ('userdefined') is to use the file names, which can be defined by the user prior to mapping (e.g. rfMRI_REST1_AP).

--hcp_folderstructure (str, default 'hcpls'):

Which HCP folder structure to use 'hcpya' or 'hcpls'.

--hcp_suffix (str, default ''):

Optional suffix to append to session id when creating session folder within the hcp folder. The final path to HCP session is then: <targetfolder>/<session id><hcp_suffix>.

--use_sequence_info (str, default 'all'):

A pipe, comma or space separated list of inline sequence information to use in preprocessing of specific image modalities.

Example specifications:

  • all: use all present inline information for all modalities,

  • 'DwellTime': use DwellTime information for all modalities,

  • T1w:all: use all present inline information for T1w modality,

  • SE:EchoSpacing: use EchoSpacing information for Spin-Echo fieldmap images.

  • none: do not use inline information.

Modalities: T1w, T2w, SE, BOLD, dMRi Inline information: TR, PEDirection, EchoSpacing, DwellTime, ReadoutDirection.

If information is not specified it will not be used. More general specification (e.g. all) implies all more specific cases (e.g. T1w:all).

--slice_timing_info (str, default 'no')

Whether to prepare ('yes') a file for each bold image with the slice timing information for fsl slicetimer or not ('no').


The command maps images from the sessions's nii folder into a folder structure that conforms to the naming conventions used in the HCP minimal preprocessing workflow. For the mapping to be correct, the command expects the source session.txt file (sourcefile) to hold the relevant information on images. To save space, the images are not copied into the new folder structure but rather hard-links are created if possible.

Image definition:

For the mapping to work, each MR to be mapped has to be marked with the appropriate image type in the source.txt file. The following file types are recognized and will be mapped correctly:


T1 weighted high resolution structural image


T2 weighted high resolution structural image


Gradient echo field map image used for distortion correction


Field mapping magnitude image used for distortion correction


Field mapping phase image used for distortion correction


Reference image for the following BOLD image, N should be added to the end of the boldref (boldref<N>)


BOLD image, N should be added to the end of bold (bold<N>)


Spin-echo fieldmap image recorded using the A-to-P phase encoding direction


Spin-echo fieldmap image recorded using the P-to-A phase encoding direction


Spin-echo fieldmap image recorded using the L-to-R phase encoding direction


Spin-echo fieldmap image recorded using the R-to-L phase encoding direction


Diffusion weighted image.


Arterial Spin Labeling.

In addition to these parameters, it is also possible to optionally specify, which spin-echo image to use for distortion correction, by adding :se(<number of se image>) to the line, as well as phase encoding direction by adding :phenc(<direction>) to the line. In case of spin-echo images themselves, the number denotes the number of the image itself.

If this information is not provided the spin-echo image to use will be deduced based on the order of images, and phase encoding direction will be taken as default from the relevant HCP processing parameters (e.g. --hcp_bold_unwarpdir='y').

Do note that if you provide se information for the spin-echo image, you have to also provide it for all the images that are to use the spin-echo pair and vice-versa. If not, the matching algorithm will have incomplete information and might fail.

Example definition:

hcpready: true
01:                 :Survey
02: T1w             :T1w 0.7mm N1             : se(1)
03: T2w             :T2w 0.7mm N1             : se(1)
04:                 :Survey
05: SE-FM-AP        :C-BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s FS-P  : se(1)
06: SE-FM-PA        :C-BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s FS-A  : se(1)
07: bold1:WM        :BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s         : se(1) :phenc(AP)
08: bold2:WM        :BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s         : se(1) :phenc(AP)
09: bold3:WM        :BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s         : se(1) :phenc(AP)
10: bold4:WM        :BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s         : se(1) :phenc(AP)
11: SE-FM-AP        :C-BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s FS-P  : se(2)
12: SE-FM-PA        :C-BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s FS-A  : se(2)
13: bold5:WM        :BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s         : se(2) :phenc(AP)
14: bold6:WM        :BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s         : se(2) :phenc(AP)
15: bold7:rest      :RSBOLD 3mm 48 2.5s       : se(2) :phenc(AP)
16: bold8:rest      :RSBOLD 3mm 48 2.5s       : se(2) :phenc(PA)
HCP folder structure version:

version parameter determines the HCP folder structure to use:


Unprocessed data is parallel to processed data, functional data folders have _fncb suffix and field map data folders have _strc tail.


Unprocessed data is a subfolder in the HCP session folder, functional data folders and field map data folders do not have the _fncb and _strc extensions, respectively.

Multiple sessions and scheduling:

The command can be run for multiple sessions by specifying sessions and optionally sessionsfolder and parsessions parameters. In this case the command will be run for each of the specified sessions in the sessionsfolder (current directory by default). Optional filter and sessionids parameters can be used to filter sessions or limit them to just specified id codes. (for more information see online documentation). sourcefolder will be filled in automatically as each session's folder. Commands will run in parallel, where the degree of parallelism is determined by parsessions (1 by default).

If scheduler parameter is set, the command will be run using the specified scheduler settings (see qunex ?schedule for more information). If set in combination with sessions parameter, sessions will be processed over multiple nodes, parsessions parameter specifying how many sessions to run per node. Optional scheduler_environment, scheduler_workdir, scheduler_sleep, and nprocess parameters can be set.

Set optional logfolder parameter to specify where the processing logs should be stored. Otherwise the processor will make best guess, where the logs should go.

Do note that as this command only performs file mapping and no image or file processing, the best performance might be achieved by running on a single node and a single core.


Simple example for preparing a single session:

qunex setup_hcp \

An example for preparing multiple sessions for HCP processing simultaneously:

qunex setup_hcp \
    --sessionsfolder=/<study_folder>/sessions \

To run setup_hcp for all sessions in the batch file use:

qunex setup_hcp \
    --sessionsfolder="/<study_folder>/sessions" \