
qx_mri.fc.fc_compute_ab_corr(flist, sroi, troi, frames, root, options, verbose)#

fc_compute_ab_corr(flist, sroi, troi, frames, root, options, verbose)

Computes the correlation of each source ROI voxel with each target ROI voxel.


--flist (str):

File list with information on sessions bold runs and segmentation files, or a well strucutured string (see general_read_file_list).

--sroi (str, nimage):

Input to img_prep_roi roi parameter that defines the source ROI, usually a path to .names file, but it can also be any other path that results in an roi image, or an nimage object. See options parameter for behavior when there are multiple source ROI defined.

--troi (str):

Input to img_prep_roi roi parameter that defines the target ROI, usually a path to .names file, but it can also be any other path that results in an roi image, or an nimage object. See options parameter for behavior when there are multiple target ROI defined.

--frames (int | logical | vector, default ''):

Either number of frames to omit or a mask of frames to use.

--root (str, default ''):

The root of the filename where results are to be saved.

--options (str, default 'save:group|source_roi:1|target_roi:1'):

A pipe separated '<key>:<value>|<key>:<value>' string specifying further options. The possible options are:

  • savegroup ('group' | 'individual')

    Whether to compute mean correlation across sessions ('group') (only makes sense with the same sROI for each session), and/or save individual sessions' results ('individual')

  • source_roi1 (integer)

    In case of multiple ROI, which ones to use as source.

  • target_roi1 (integer)

    In case of multiple ROI, which ones to use as target.

--verbose (str, default 'none'):

How to report the progress: 'full', 'script' or 'none'.

Output files

If group correlations are selected, the resulting files are:

  • <root>_group_ABCor_<source_roi>_<target_roi>_Fz

    Mean Fisher Z value across participants.

  • <root>_group_ABCor_<source_roi>_<target_roi>_r

    Mean Pearson r (converted from Fz) value across participants.

If individual correlations are selected, the resulting files are:

  • <root>_<session id>_ABCor_<source_roi>_<target_roi>_r

    Pearson r correlations for the individual.

If root is not specified, it is taken to be the root of the flist.


Use the function to compute individual and/or group correlations of each sroi voxel with each troi voxel. troi voxels are spread across the volume and sroi voxels are spread across the volumes. For more details see img_compute_ab_correlation - nimage method.


qunex fc_compute_ab_corr \
    --flist='scz.list' \
    --sroi='PFC.names' \
    --troi='ACC.names' \
    --frames=5 \
    --root='SCZ_PFC-ACC' \
    --options='g' \