run_qa#, sessionsfolder='.', sessions=None, configfile=None, tag=None, overwrite='no')#

run_qa [datatype=None] [sessionsfolder=.] [sessions=None] [configfile=None] [tag=None] [overwrite=no]

Runs Quality Assurance on a QuNex study, based off data-type and a user-defined config.


--datatype (str):

The type of data to be run through QA. Currently only supports 'raw_data'.

--sessionsfolder (str):

The location of the <study>/sessions folder.

--sessions (str, default None):

If provided, only the specified sessions from the sessions folder will be processed. They are to be specified as a pipe or comma separated list, grob patterns are valid session specifiers. This parameter also accepts session .list files.

--configfile (str, default None):

The location of a .yaml file providing instructions and key-value pairs for QA to verify. If left blank, minimal QA will be run.

--tag (str, default None):

Optional tag to add to output files, useful for preventing overwrite. If left blank, the name of the configfile will be used.

--overwrite (str, default 'no'):

Whether to overwrite existing data (yes) or not (no). Note that previous data is deleted before the run, so in the case of a failed command run, previous results are lost.


This command will generate four files. These consist of 2 sessions .list files (pass and fail sessions lists), a report .txt file, and a more detailed report .yaml file. List files will go in processing/lists, reports in processing/reports (a new directory for QA reports).

The .list files are QuNex compatible, they can be used as input into any datatype using the --sessions flag, as well as with qunex_container. They are in format session id: <id>, and contain no extra info. Intended use is that the passQA sessions list will be used as input for futher QuNex datatypes, and failQA sessions lists will be manually gone over and investigated.

The .txt report file provides further information for the failQA sessions list, including what caused the session to fail, why it failed, as well as recommended action.

The data type:


Raw Data QA checks whether found scans are in-line with the scan Protocol, defined by the user in the supplied config. Run after the import datatype, this does various checks to ensure data is valid before processing. The main goal is to identify problematic sessions before you start processing, saving time and resources. It should also prevent users from needing to manually check each session_hcp.txt file for correct mapping, as raw_data will identify missing/misordered scans.


Config QA checks if the user-created config can be parsed by run_qa, without running QA on any actual data. This can be used to ensure the config is valid and visualize how it is parsed before running actual QA.

The config file:

In addition to basic checks (such as whether specified session folders exist and have the correct paths), run_qa can do extensive QA through the use of a user created config .yaml file, which can vary from simple to complex.

Here is a basic config for one scan for 'raw_data' QA:

        - scan:
            series_description: T1w_MPR
            mapping_name: T1w
            dicoms: 208
                normalized: True

This means that run_qa will ensure every sessions has an image with series_description T1w_MPR, 208 dicoms, and is normalized.

It can also be more complicated:

- scan:
    series_description: T2w|T2w run-*
    mapping_name: T2w
        image_count: 2
        data_shape: (208, 300, 320)
        RepetitionTime: [3.2, 3.3]
        EchoTime: 0.564
        normalized: [True, False]

In series_description, pipes '|' can be used to define multiple valid strings, and also accepts unix-style pattern matching (eg. wildcard '*'). There are multiple subcategories (session, nifti, and json) depending on the data source. If there are multiple files with the same description, the QA will adapt. For example, if you specify image_count: 2, it will expect 2 images to match the series_description, and ensure at least 1 matches the parameters. Parameters can also be specified as lists (eg. normalized: [True, False]), so if you expect these images to have different values for certain parameters, you can specifiy that. Or, if you expect the values to be identical, you leave it just as one value (eg. EchoTime: 0.564). Position does matter, so in this above case the normalized scan should have an RT of 3.2, and the non-normalized scan should have an RT of 3.3.

Scans are defined as a .yaml sequence, so when specifying multiple scans, you simply add another - scan: block below it:

- scan:
    series_description: sbref rest run-*
    mapping_name: boldref1:rest
        image_count: 4
        data_shape: (90, 90, 60)
        RepetitionTime: 0.9
        EchoTime: 0.035
        PhaseEncodingDirection: [j-, j, j-, j]

- scan:
    series_description: bold rest run-*
    mapping_name: bold1:rest
        image_count: 4
        data_shape: (90, 90, 60, 333)
        RepetitionTime: 0.9
        EchoTime: 0.035
        PhaseEncodingDirection: [j-, j, j-, j]

Here is a list of all possible parameters:

datatypes: #Contains run_qa datatypes, currently only raw_data is compatible.
    raw_data: #Contains params for each scan to run raw_data.
        - scan: #Multiple can be specified, so long as the series_description is different.
            series_description: #Name of the scan in the session.txt, accepts pipes for 'or', as well as unix pattern matching.
            required: #Whether or not the scan is required to pass QA, default is True.
            dicoms: #Number of dicom files for the scan, recquires dcm2nii logs to function.
            session: #session.txt related parameters.
                scan_index: #If multiple scans with the same description, this can be used to specify the relative index.
                image_count: #If you expect a specific number of images to match the description.
                image_number: #The scan's image number.
            json: #Nifti sidecar .json files. Most keys here are directly compared to the .json file and can be anything.
                normalized: #Whether or not the scan should be normalized.
            nifti: #Compares keys to the nifti file headers. Similar to .json, any key can be defined so long as it is in the .nii file.
                data_shape: Expected shape of the data, potential alternative to ``dicoms`` but more complex.
    config: #Misc config options for raw_data.
        data_type: #Currently, only dicom is accepted, used for ``dicoms`` parameter.