
qx_utilities.general.utilities.copy_study(studyfolder, existing_study, step=None, sessions=None, batchfile=None, filter=None)#

copy_study studyfolder=<path to study base folder> existing_study=<path to source study base folder> [step=None] [sessions=None] [batchfile=None] [filter=None]

Copies an existing QuNex study onto a new location.


--studyfolder (str):

The path to the study folder to be generated.

--existing_study (str):

The path of an existing QuNex study that will be copied.

--step (str, default None):

The step which will be executed next, if provided only a subset of data will be copied in some cases.

--sessions (str, default None):

If provided, only the specified sessions from the sessions folder will be processed. They are to be specified as a comma separated list.

--batchfile (str, default None):

If provided, only the sessions specified in the batch file will be processed.

--filter (str, default None):

An optional parameter given as "key:value|key:value" string. Can be used for filtering the session data within the provided batchfile.


Can be used for backing up existing studies or when copying previous study to continue with the processing or an analysis in a new study folder. If sessions parameter is provided only a subset of sessions will be copied over. If batchfile is provided, only the sessions specified in the batch file will be copied. If filter is provided, it will be applied to the provided batchfile before copying the study.


qunex copy_study \
    --studyfolder=/Volumes/data/studies/WM.v4 \