
qx_utilities.general.bruker.bruker_to_dicom(sessionsfolder=None, inbox=None, sessions=None, archive='move', parelements=1)#

bruker_to_dicom [... processing options]

Converts bruker data into the dicom format which can be then imported into QuNex through the import_dicom command.


--sessionsfolder (str, default '.'):

The sessions folder where all the sessions are to be mapped to. It should be a folder within the <study folder>.

--inbox (str, default '<sessionsfolder>/inbox/bruker'):

The location of the folder with bruker datasets.

--sessions (str, default ''):

An optional parameter that specifies a comma or pipe separated list of sessions from the inbox folder to be processed. Regular expression patterns can be used. If provided, only folders within the inbox that match the list of sessions will be processed. Note: the session will match if the string is found within the folder name. So 'S01' with match any folder that contains the string 'S01'!

--archive (str, default 'move'):

What to do with bruker data once it is converted. Options are:

  • move (move the package to the study's archive folder)

  • copy (copy the package to the study's archive folder)

  • leave (keep the package where it was)

  • delete (delete the package).

--parelements (int, default 1):

How many parallel processes to run the conversion with.


qunex bruker_to_dicom \
    --sessionsfolder='/data/mice_study/sessions' \
    --sourcefolder='/data/raw/bruker' \