
qx_utilities.general.utilities.create_batch(sessionsfolder='.', sourcefiles=None, targetfile=None, sessions=None, filter=None, overwrite='no', paramfile=None)#

create_batch [sessionsfolder=.] [sourcefiles=session_hcp.txt] [targetfile=processing/batch.txt] [sessions=None] [filter=None] [overwrite=no] [paramfile=<sessionsfolder>/specs/parameters.txt]

Creates a joint batch file from source files in all session folders.


--sessionsfolder (str):

The location of the <study>/sessions folder.

--sourcefiles (str, default 'session_hcp.txt'):

Comma separated names of source files to take from each specified session folder and add to batch file.

--targetfile (str, default <study>/processing/batch.txt):

The path to the batch file to be generated. By default, it is created as <study>/processing/batch.txt.

--sessions (str, default None):

If provided, only the specified sessions from the sessions folder will be processed. They are to be specified as a pipe or comma separated list, grob patterns are valid session specifiers.

--filter (str, default None):

An optional parameter given as "key:value|key:value" string. Only sessions with the specified key-value pairs in their source files will be added to the batch file.

--overwrite (str, default 'yes'):

In case that the specified batch file already exists, whether to interactively ask ('ask'), overwrite ('yes'), abort action ('no') or append ('append') the found / specified sessions to the batch file.

--paramfile (str, default <sessionsfolder>/specs/parameters.txt):

The path to the parameter file header to be used. If not explicitly provided it defaults to <sessionsfolder>/specs/parameters.txt.


The command combines all the sourcefiles in all session folders in sessionsfolder to generate a joint batch file and save it as targetfile. If only specific sessions are to be added or appended, "sessions" parameter can be used. This can be a pipe, comma or space separated list of session ids, another batch file or a list file. If a string is provided, grob patterns can be used (e.g. sessions="AP*|OR*") and all matching sessions will be processed.

If no targetfile is specified, it will save the file as batch.txt in a processing folder parallel to the sessionsfolder. If the folder does not yet exist, it will create it.

If targetfile already exists, depending on "overwrite" parameter it will:

  • 'ask' (ask interactively, what to do)

  • 'yes' (overwrite the existing file)

  • 'no' (abort creating a file)

  • 'append' (append sessions to the existing list file)

Note that if If a batch file already exists then parameter file will not be added to the header of the batch unless --overwrite is set to "yes". If --overwrite is set to "append", then the parameters will not be changed, however, any sessions that are not yet present in the batch file will be appended at the end of the batch file.

The command will also look for a parameter file. If it exists, it will prepend its content at the beginning of the batch.txt file. If no paramfile is specified and the default template does not exist, the command will print a warning and create an empty template (sessions/spec/batch.txt) with all the available parameters. Do note that this file will need to be edited with correct parameter values for your study.

Alternatively, if you don't have a parameter file prepared, you can use or copy and modify one of the following templates:

  • legacy data template


  • multiband data template


The command also prepends the specific batch header parameters, if they are saved in a specified parameters file (the default location of the batch header files is sessions/specs/). By default the code looks for a header file sessions/specs/batch_parameters.txt. If batch_parameters.txt does not exist, it will be created automatically, placing all the possible parameters into the header, their default values and explanations to allow easy editing. The command also supports appending new sessions to an existing batch file. The final batch file with the appended session information is saved in <path_to_study_folder>/processing/<name_of_batch_file>.txt

Details on specification of batch file processing parameters:

The following section details how QuNex handles parameter specification and how to set them up in the batch file.

Both HCP Pipelines as well as additional functional processing of images make use of a number of parameters. For a full and current list of parameters, run qunex -o. These parameters can be specified at multiple levels.

In order of priority, from lower to highest, they can be specified:

  • in the header section of the study batch file

  • in the runlist file

  • as a command line parameter

  • in the session section of the study batch file

  • in the image specification of the session section of the study batch file

Header section of the study batch file:

To run most of the processing steps, a batch file needs to be provided (see batch file specification). Batch file consists of a header section and a list of imaging sessions. The header section provides the possibility to specify the default parameter values that are to be used throughout the study. Specifically, the parameters are provided as _<parameter name>: <parameter value> pairs. An example might be:

--hcp_brainsize          : 150
--hcp_t1samplespacing    : 0.0000021000
--hcp_t2samplespacing    : 0.0000021000
--hcp_unwarpdir          : z

If these parameters are not specified anywhere else, the above values will be used.

runlist file:

When run_list utility is used, parameters can be specified at the global run list level, at a specific list level, and at an individual command level. The parameters specified will then be passed to the command as command line parameters. For details on the run_list command itself and how to specify parameters at different levels within the runlist.txt file, please see Running a list of QuNex commands. These parameters will take priority over the parameters specified in the header section of the study batch file.

Command line parameters:

Parameters can be specified when running the command on the command line. Any parameter specified on the command line takes precedence over the parameters specified in the header section of the study batch file.

Batch file individual session section:

The second part of the study batch file consists of information for each individual session. Within the individual session sections the parameters can be specified in the _<parameter name>: <parameter value> format. Any parameter value specified in such a way will override the parameter values specified either in the header section of the study batch file or as command line parameters.

Batch file image details section:

Each image can have a number of parameters associated with it. They are listed as <key>(<value>) pairs separated by colons in the relevant sequence line. The keys currently in use are:

  • phenc – Phase Encoding direction (used for BOLD, SE and DWI images, overriding the hcp_bold_unwarpdir, hcp_seunwarpdir and hcp_dwi_PEdir parameters, respectively)

  • UnwarpDir – Unwarp direction (used for T1w and T2w images, overriding the hcp_unwarpdir parameter)

  • EchoSpacing - Echo Spacing (used for BOLD, SE, and DWI images, overriding the hcp_bold_echospacing, hcp_dwelltime, and hcp_dwi_dwelltime parameters, respectively; note that the value has to be provided in ms for DWI images and in seconds for BOLD and Spin-Echo images)

  • DwellTime – Dwell Time in seconds, overriding hcp_t1samplespacing and hcp_t2samplespacing parameters

  • se - the spin echo pair to use for distortion correction (integer)

  • filename – the exact (unique) name of the image file

This information is extracted from JSON sidecar files by default when onboarding HCPLS datasets (if the information exists), when onboarding DICOM datasets, this information is extracted from JSON sidecar files only if explicitly requested. See import_dicom --addJSONInfo optional parameter for details.

Batch file example:

An example of batch.txt individual session section.

session: OP386_baseline
subject: OP386
dicom: /data/my_study/sessions/OP386_baseline/dicom
raw_data: /data/my_study/sessions/OP386_baseline/nii
hpc: /data/my_study/sessions/OP386_baseline/hpc

age: 21
handedness: right
gender: male
group: control

institution: MR Imaging Center New Amsterdam
device: Siemens|Prisma_fit|123456

--hcp_brain_size: 150
--hcp_fs_no_conf2hires: TRUE

01: Survey
02: T1w:             T1w 0.7mm N2 : se(1): DwellTime(0.0000459): UnwarpDir(z)
03: T2w:             T2w 0.7mm N2 : se(1): DwellTime(0.0000066): UnwarpDir(z)
04: Survey
05: SE-FM-AP:        C-BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s FS-P   : se(1): phenc(AP): EchoSpacing(0.0006146)
06: SE-FM-PA:        C-BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s FS-A   : se(1): phenc(PA): EchoSpacing(0.0006146)
07: bold1:rest:      BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s          : se(1): phenc(PA): EchoSpacing(0.0006029): filename(rest_PA)
08: bold2:task:      BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s          : se(1): phenc(PA): EchoSpacing(0.0006029): filename(task1_PA)
09: bold2:task:      BOLD 3mm 48 2.5s          : se(1): phenc(PA): EchoSpacing(0.0006029): filename(task2_PA)

In the above example, _hcp_brain_size: 150 and _hcp_fs_no_conf2hires: TRUE are specified for session OP386_baseline specifically. The specified values would take precedence over any other value specified either in the header section of the batch.txt file or the command line.

Additionally, the sequence specific

  • DwellTime specifications would take precedence over hcp_t1samplespacing and hcp_t2samplespacing provided in batch.txt file or command call.

  • EchoSpacing specifications would take precedence over hcp_seechospacing for the SE image pair provided in batch.txt file or command call.

  • UnwarpDir specification would take precedence over hcp_unwarpdir provided in batch.txt file or command call.

  • filename specification would define how to name the image files during HCP processing if hcp_filename was set to userdefined.


This section shows a couple of examples for compiling a group batch file and adding session-specific information.

qunex create_batch \
    --sourcefiles="session.txt" \

The following examples prepares a batch file using defaults:

qunex create_batch

Prepare a batch file specifying details:

qunex create_batch \
    --sessionsfolder="<path_to_study_folder>/sessions/<session_id>" \
    --sourcefiles="session_hcp.txt" \
    --targetfile="<path_to_study_folder>/processing/batch_hcp.txt" \
    --paramfile="<path_to_parameter_file>" \

Append to an existing batch file using a glob pattern:

qunex create_batch \
    --sessionsfolder="<path_to_study_folder/sessions/<session_id>" \
    --sourcefiles="session_hcp.txt" \
    --targetfile="<path_to_study_folder>/processing/batch_hcp.txt" \
    --sessions="AP*|OP*" \