
qx_utilities.bash.fc_compute_wrapper(calculation, runtype, targetf, flist, sessionsfolder, sessions, inputfiles, inputpath, outname, target, gbc, roinfo, extractdata, mask, overwrite='no', covariance='false', rsmooth='', rdilate='', verbose='false', time='false', vstep='1200', method='mean', options='all', ignore='', mem='4')#


This function implements Global Brain Connectivity (GBC) or seed-based functional connectivity (FC) on the dense or parcellated (e.g. Glasser parcellation).

For more detailed documentation run <help fc_compute_gbc3>, <help nimage.img_compute_gbc> or <help fc_compute_seedmaps_multiple> inside MATLAB.


--calculation (str):

Run <seed>, <gbc> or <dense> calculation for functional connectivity.

--runtype (str):

Run calculation on a <list> (requires a list input), on 'individual' sessions (requires manual specification) or a 'group' of individual sessions (equivalent to a list, but with manual specification).

--targetf (str):

Specify the absolute path for output folder. If using --runtype='individual' and left empty the output will default to --inputpath location for each session.

--overwrite (str, default 'no'):

Whether to overwrite existing data (yes) or not (no). Note that previous data is deleted before the run, so in the case of a failed command run, previous results are lost.

--covariance (str, default 'false'):

Whether to compute covariances instead of correlations ('true' / 'false').

--flist (str):

Specify ∗.list file of session information. If specified then --sessionsfolder, --inputfile, --session and --outname are omitted.

--sessionsfolder (str):

Path to study sessions folder.

--sessions (str):

Comma separated list of sessions to run.

--inputfiles (str):

Specify the comma separated file names you want to use (e.g. /bold1_Atlas_MSMAll.dtseries.nii,bold2_Atlas_MSMAll.dtseries.nii).

--inputpath (str):

Specify path of the file you want to use relative to the master study folder and session directory (e.g. '/images/functional/').

--outname (str):

Specify the suffix name of the output file name.

--target (str, default detailed below):

Array of ROI codes that define target ROI. Defaults to FreeSurfer cortex codes.

--rsmooth (str, default ''):

Radius for smoothing (no smoothing if empty).

--rdilate (str, default ''):

Radius for dilating mask (no dilation if empty).

--gbc-command (str):

Specify the the type of gbc to run. This is a string describing GBC to compute. E.g. 'mFz:0.1|mFz:0.2|aFz:0.1|aFz:0.2|pFz:0.1|pFz:0.2'


computes mean Fz value across all voxels (over threshold t)


computes mean absolute Fz value across all voxels (over threshold t)


computes mean positive Fz value across all voxels (over threshold t)


computes mean positive Fz value across all voxels (below threshold t)


computes proportion of voxels with absolute r over t


computes proportion of voxels with positive r over t


computes proportion of voxels with negative r below t


computes mean Fz value across n proportional ranges


computes mean absolute Fz value across n proportional ranges


computes mean Fz value across n strength ranges


computes mean Fz value across n strength ranges for positive correlations


computes mean Fz value across n strength ranges for negative correlations


computes proportion of voxels within n strength ranges of r


computes proportion of våoxels within n strength ranges of absolute r


computes proportion of voxels within n strength ranges of positive r


computes proportion of voxels within n strength ranges of negative r.

--verbose (str, default 'false'):

Report what is going on.

--time (str, default 'false'):

Whether to print timing information.

--vstep (str, default '1200'):

How many voxels to process in a single step.

--roinfo (str):

An ROI file for the seed connectivity.

--method (str, default 'mean'):

Method for extracting timeseries - 'mean' or 'pca'.

--options (str, default 'all'):

A string defining which session files to save. Default assumes all:

  • 'r' ... save map of correlations

  • 'f' ... save map of Fisher z values

  • 'cv' ... save map of covariances

  • 'z' ... save map of Z scores.

--extractdata (str):

Specify if you want to save out the matrix as a CSV file (only available if the file is a ptseries).

--ignore (str, default ''):

The column in ∗_scrub.txt file that matches bold file to be used for ignore mask. All if empty.

--mask (str):

An array mask defining which frames to use (1) and which not (0). All if empty. If single value is specified then this number of frames is skipped.

--mem-limit (str, default '4'):

Restrict memory. Memory limit expressed in gigabytes.


Run directly via:

${TOOLS}/${QUNEXREPO}/bash/qx_utilities/fc_compute_wrapper.sh \
    --<parameter1> \
    --<parameter2> \
    --<parameter3> ... \

NOTE: --scheduler is not available via direct script call.

Run via:

qunex fc_compute_wrapper \
    --<parameter1> \
    --<parameter2> ... \

NOTE: scheduler is available via qunex call.


A string for the cluster scheduler (e.g. PBS or SLURM) followed by relevant options.

For SLURM scheduler the string would look like this via the qunex call:

qunex fc_compute_wrapper \
    --sessionsfolder='<folder_with_sessions>' \
    --calculation='seed' \
    --runtype='individual' \
    --sessions='<comma_separarated_list_of_cases>' \
    --inputfiles='<files_to_compute_connectivity_on>' \
    --inputpath='/images/functional' \
    --extractdata='yes' \
    --ignore='udvarsme' \
    --roinfo='ROI_Names_File.names' \
    --options='' \
    --method='' \
    --targetf='<path_for_output_file>' \
    --mask='5' \
qunex fc_compute_wrapper \
    --sessionsfolder='<folder_with_sessions>' \
    --runtype='list' \
    --flist='sessions.list' \
    --extractdata='yes' \
    --outname='<name_of_output_file>' \
    --ignore='udvarsme' \
    --roinfo='ROI_Names_File.names' \
    --options='' \
    --method='' \
    --targetf='<path_for_output_file>' \
    --mask='5' \
qunex fc_compute_wrapper \
    --sessionsfolder='<folder_with_sessions>' \
    --calculation='gbc' \
    --runtype='individual' \
    --sessions='<comma_separarated_list_of_cases>' \
    --inputfiles='bold1_Atlas_MSMAll.dtseries.nii' \
    --inputpath='/images/functional' \
    --extractdata='yes' \
    --outname='<name_of_output_file>' \
    --ignore='udvarsme' \
    --gbc-command='mFz:' \
    --targetf='<path_for_output_file>' \
    --mask='5' \
    --target='' \
    --rsmooth='0' \
    --rdilate='0' \
    --verbose='true' \
    --time='true' \
    --vstep='10000' \
qunex fc_compute_wrapper \
    --sessionsfolder='<folder_with_sessions>' \
    --calculation='gbc' \
    --runtype='list' \
    --flist='sessions.list' \
    --extractdata='yes' \
    --outname='<name_of_output_file>' \
    --ignore='udvarsme' \
    --gbc-command='mFz:' \
    --targetf='<path_for_output_file>' \
    --mask='5' \
    --target='' \
    --rsmooth='0' \
    --rdilate='0' \
    --verbose='true' \
    --time='true' \
    --vstep='10000' \