
qx_mri.general.general_find_peaks(fin, fout, mins, maxs, val, t, presmooth, projection, options, verbose)#

general_find_peaks(fin, fout, mins, maxs, val, t, presmooth, projection, options, verbose)

Performs smoothing using img_smooth() method and uses img_find_peaks method to define peak ROI using a watershed algorithm to grow regions from peaks.


--fin (str | matrix | cell array | nimage):

Input image.

--fout (str):

Output filename.

--mins (vector, default [0, 0]):

[minimal size, minimal area] of the resulting ROI.

--maxs (vector, default [inf, inf]):

[maximum size, maximum area] of the resulting ROI.

--val (str, default 'b'):

Whether to find positive, negative or both peaks ('n', 'p', 'b').

--t (int, default 0):

Threshold value.

--presmooth (str, default ''):

String containing presmoothing parameters:

String format:

'fwhm:[VAL1 VAL2]|ftype:TYPE_NAME|ksize:[]|wb_path:PATH|hcpatlas:PATH'
  • fwhm

    full Width at Half Maximum in mm formatted as:

    • [fwhm for volume structure] for NIfTI [2]

    • [fwhm for volume structure, fwhm for surface structures] for CIFTI [2]

      If only 1 element is passed, it takes that value for both, volume and surface structures.

  • ftype

    type of smoothing filter:

    • 'gaussian' or 'box' for NIfTI files ['gaussian']

    • '' (empty argument) for CIFTI files, since geodesic gaussian smoothing is the only option

  • ksize

    size of the smoothing kernel in voxels for NIfTI files, [] (empty) for CIFTI files [6]

  • mask

    specify the cifti mask to select areas on which to perform smoothing

  • wb_path

    path to wb_command

  • hcpatlas

    path to HCPATLAS folder containing projection surf.gii files

  • timeSeries

    boolean to indicate whether a thresholded timeseries image should use each frame as a mask for the corresponding frame. By default [false], the first frame is taken a mask for all the frames

  • frames

    list of frames to perform smoothing on [default = options.frames]

wb_path and hcpatlas are not required if they are stored as environment variables (wb_command in $PATH and hcpatlas in $HCPATLAS).

--projection (str, default 'type꞉ midthickness'):

Type of surface component projection ('midthickness', 'inflated', ...) or a string containing the path to the surface files (.surf.gii) for both, left and right cortex separated by a pipe:

  • for a default projection: 'type: midthickness'

  • for a specific projection: 'cortex_left:|cortex_right:'.


The colon symbols used above to denote:

'type꞉ midthickness'

are of the Unicode modifier colon variety (U+A789) and are not equivalent to the usual colon (U+003A) that should be used when running the command. Copying the above line containing modifier colons will result in an error - use normal colons with the command instead.

--options (str, default ''):

List of options separated with a pipe symbol ("|"):

  • frames

    for the number of frames to be analized:

    • [] ... analyze only the first frame

    • 'frames:[LIST OF FRAMES]' ... analyze the list of frames

    • 'frames:all' ... analyze all the frames

  • boundary

    for the type of ROI boundary:

    • [] ... boundary left unmodified

    • 'boundary:remove' ... remove the boundary regions

    • 'boundary:highlight' ... highlight boundaries with a value of -100

    • 'boundary:wire' ... remove ROI data and return only ROI boundaries

  • parcels

    whether to generate a .txt file reporting ROI composition across CIFTI-2 volume structures and/or an input atlas (output file name: <fin>_parcels.txt):

    • [] ... no file is generated

    • 'parcels:volume' ... ROI composition across CIFTI-2 volume structures

    • 'parcels:<path to atlas>' ... ROI composition across CIFTI-2 volume structures and parcels of the input atlas (output file name: <fin>_parcels.txt)

  • limitvol

    whether to limit the growth of regions to subcortical structures as defined in CIFTI-2 format (applies to volume structures only):

    • [] ... growth of regions is not limited

    • 'limitvol:1' ... growth of regions is limited to subcortical structures as defined in CIFTI-2 format (applies to volume structures only)

    • 'limitvol:0'... growth of regions is not limited.

--verbose (int | bool, default false):

Whether to be verbose:

  • 1 ... on the first level

  • 2 ... on all the sub-levels

  • false ... don't be verbose.

Output files

The script saves the resulting ROI file under the specified filename.


The function is a wrapper to the nimage.img_find_peaks method and is used to read the image file of interest, save the resulting ROI file and report the peak statistics (if requested). Please see the method documentation for algorithm and specifics about the parameters.

The function also allows presmoothing, the presmooth parameter specifying the amount of gaussian smoothing in voxels.


CIFTI-2 images:

To get a roi image of both positive and negative peak regions with miminum z value of (-)3 and 72 contiguous voxels in size, but no larger than 300 voxels, after smoothing with a kernel of fwhm 2 and kernel size 7 voxels use:

qunex general_find_peaks \
    --fin='zscores.nii.gz' \
    --fout='zscores_peaks_3_72_300.nii.gz' \
    --mins='[72 80]' \
    --maxs='[300 350]' \
    --val='b' \
    --t=3 \
    --presmooth='fwhm:2|ksize:7' \
    --projection='' \
    --options='' \

To get a roi image of both positive and negative peak regions with miminum z value of (-)3 and 72 contiguous voxels in size, but no larger than 300 voxels, after smoothing with a kernel of fwhm 3 for volume and surfaces structures, where only frames 1, 6 and 7 are to be analyzed use:

qunex general_find_peaks \
    --fin='zscores.dtseries.nii' \
    --fout='zscores_analyzed.dtseries.nii' \
    --mins='[72 80]' \
    --maxs='[300 350]' \
    --val='b' \
    --t=1 \
    --presmooth='fwhm:3' \
    --projection='inflated' \
    --options='frames:[1 5 7]' \

To get a roi image of both positive and negative peak regions with miminum z value of (-)3 and 72 contiguous voxels in size, but no larger than 300 voxels, after smoothing with a kernel of fwhm 1 use:

qunex general_find_peaks \
    --fin='zscores.nii.gz' \
    --fout='zscores_peaks_3_72_300.nii.gz' \
    --mins='[72 80]' \
    --maxs='[300 350]' \
    --val='b' \
    --t=3 \
    --presmooth='fwhm:1' \
    --projection='|' \
    --options='' \
NIfTI image:

To get a roi image of both positive and negative peak regions with miminum z value of (-)1 and 50 contiguous voxels in size, but no larger than 250 voxels, after applying fwhm 3 gaussian smoothing and a smoothing kernel of size 6 voxels use presmooth=''.

qunex general_find_peaks \
    --fin='zscores.nii.gz' \
    --fout='zscores_analyzed.nii.gz' \
    --mins=50 \
    --maxs=250 \
    --val='b' \
    --t=1 \
    --presmooth='fwhm:3|ksize:6|ftype:gaussian' \
    --projection='' \
    --options='' \