- qx_mri.fc.fc_compute_gbc(flist, command, sroiinfo, troiinfo, frames, targetf, options)#
fc_compute_gbc(flist, command, sroiinfo, troiinfo, frames, targetf, options)
Computes seed based functional connectivity maps for group and/or individual subjects / sessions.
- --flist (str):
A .list file listing the subjects and their files for which to compute seedmaps.
Alternatively, a string that specifies the list, session id(s) and files to be used for computing seedmaps. The string has to have the following form:
- 'listname:<name>|session id:<session id>|file:<path to bold file>|
roi:<path to individual roi mask>'
Note: - 'roi' is optional, if individual roi masks are to be used, - 'file' can be replaced by 'conc' if a conc file is provied.
'listname:wmlist|session id:OP483|file:bold1.nii.gz|roi:aseg.nii.gz'
- --command (str):
The type of gbc to run: mFz, aFz, pFz, nFz, aD, pD, nD, mFzp, aFzp ...
<type of gbc>:<parameter>|<type of gbc>:<parameter> ...
There are a number of options available. They can be divided by those that work on untransformed functional connectivity (Fc) values e.g. covariance, and those that work on functional connectivity estimates transformed to Fisher z (Fz) values. Note that the function does not check the validity of using untransformed values or the validity of their transform to Fz values.
The options that work on untransformed values are:
- mFc:t
computes mean Fc value across all voxels (over threshold t)
- aFc:t
computes mean absolute Fc value across all voxels (over threshold t)
- pFc:t
computes mean positive Fc value across all voxels (over threshold t)
- nFc:t
computes mean negative Fc value across all voxels (below threshold t)
- aD:t
computes proportion of voxels with absolute Fc over t
- pD:t
computes proportion of voxels with positive Fc over t
- nD:t
computes proportion of voxels with negative Fc below t
- mFcp:n
computes mean Fc value across n proportional ranges
- aFcp:n
computes mean absolute Fc value across n proportional ranges
- mFcs:n
computes mean Fc value across n strength ranges
- pFcs:n
computes mean Fc value across n strength ranges for positive correlations
- nFcs:n
computes mean Fc value across n strength ranges for negative correlations
- aFcs:n
computes mean absolute Fc value across n strength ranges
- mDs:n
computes proportion of voxels within n strength ranges of Fc
- aDs:n
computes proportion of voxels within n strength ranges of absolute Fc
- pDs:n
computes proportion of voxels within n strength ranges of positive Fc
- nDs:n
computes proportion of voxels within n strength ranges of negative Fc.
The options that first transform functional connectivity estimates to Fisher z values are:
- mFz:t
computes mean Fz value across all voxels (over threshold t)
- aFz:t
computes mean absolute Fz value across all voxels (over threshold t)
- pFz:t
computes mean positive Fz value across all voxels (over threshold t)
- nFz:t
computes mean negative Fz value across all voxels (below threshold t)
- mFzp:n
computes mean Fz value across n proportional ranges
- aFzp:n
computes mean absolute Fz value across n proportional ranges
- mFzs:n
computes mean Fz value across n strength ranges
- pFzs:n
computes mean Fz value across n strength ranges for positive correlations
- nFzs:n
computes mean Fz value across n strength ranges for negative correlations
- aFzs:n
computes mean absolute Fz value across n strength ranges
- --sroiinfo (str):
A specification of the source voxels over which the GBC is to be computed. This will be passed as the first parameter to the img_prep_roi method. If individual roi files are listed in the file list, they will be passed as the second parameter to the img_prep_roi method. If empty GBC will be computed over all grayordinates or voxels.
- --troiinfo (str):
A specification of the target voxels for which the GBC is to be computed. This will be passed as the first parameter to the img_prep_roi method. If individual roi files are listed in the file list, they will be passed as the second parameter to the img_prep_roi method. If empty GBC will be computed over all grayordinates or voxels.
- --frames (matrix | int | str, default ''):
The definition of which frames to extract, specifically:
a numeric array mask defining which frames to use (1) and which not (0), or
a single number, specifying the number of frames to skip at the start of each bold, or
a string describing which events to extract timeseries for, and the frame offset from the start and end of the event in format:
'<extraction name>:<event list>:<extraction start>:<extraction end>'
- extraction name
is the name for the specific extraction definition
- event list
is a comma separated list of events for which data is to be extracted
- extraction start
is a frame number relative to event start or event end, that specifies the frame at which the extraction should start
- extraction end
is a frame number relative to event start or event end, that specifies the frame at which the extraction should end.
the extraction start and end should be given as '<s|e><frame number>'. E.g.:
's0' ... the frame of the event onset
's2' ... the second frame from the event onset
'e1' ... the first frame from the event end
'e0' ... the last frame of the event
'e-2' ... the two frames before the event end.
- --targetf (str, '.'):
The group level folder to save images in.
- --options (str, default 'sessions=all|eventdata=all|ignore=use,fidl|badevents=use|fcmeasure=r|savegroup=all|saveind=none|savesessionid=false|itargetf=gfolder|rsmooth=|rdilate=|verbose=false|debug=false'):
A string specifying additional analysis options formated as pipe separated pairs of colon separated key, value pairs:
It takes the following keys and values:
- sessions
Which sessions to include in the analysis. The sessions should be provided as a comma or space separated list. If all sessions are to be processed this can be designated by 'all'. Defaults to 'all'.
- eventdata
What data to use from each event:
- all
use all identified frames of all events
- mean
use the mean across frames of each identified event
- min
use the minimum value across frames of each identified event
- max
use the maximum value across frames of each identified event
- median
use the median value across frames of each identified event.
Defaults to 'all'.
- ignore
A comma separated list of information to identify frames to ignore, options are:
- use
ignore frames as marked in the use field of the bold file
- fidl
ignore frames as marked in .fidl file (only available with event extraction)
- <column>
the column name in ∗_scrub.txt file that matches bold file to be used for ignore mask.
Defaults to 'use,fidl'.
- badevents
What to do with events that have frames marked as bad, options are:
- use
use any frames that are not marked as bad
- <number>
use the frames that are not marked as bad if at least <number> ok frames exist
- ignore
if any frame is marked as bad, ignore the full event.
Defaults to 'use'.
- fcmeasure
Which functional connectivity measure to compute, the options are:
- r
Pearson's r value
- rho
Spearman's rho value
- cv
covariance estimate
- cc
cross correlation
- icv
inverse covariance
- coh
- mi
mutual information
- mar
multivariate autoregressive model (coefficients)
Defaults to 'r'.
Additional parameters for specific measures can be added using fcargs optional parameter (see below).
- fcargs
Additional arguments for computing functional connectivity, e.g. k for computation of mutual information or standardize and shrinkage for computation of inverse covariance. These parameters need to be provided as subfields of fcargs, e.g.: 'fcargs>standardize:partialcorr,shrinkage:LW'
- savegroup
A comma separated list of files to save, options are:
- mean
mean group GBC estimates
- group_z
Z converted p values testing difference from 0
- group_p
p values testing difference from 0
- sessions
GBC estimates for all the sessions
- all
all the above files
- none
do not save any group level results.
Defaults to 'all'. Any invalid options will be ignored without a warning.
- saveind
A comma separted list of individual session / subject files to save:
- fc
save GBC estimates
- z
save Z statistic (only valid for Pearson's r)
- p
save p value (only valid for Pearson's r)
- all
save all relevant files
- none
do not save any individual level results
Default is 'none'. Any invalid options will be ignored without a warning.
- savesessionid
whether to add the id of the session or subject to the individual output file when saving to the individual session images/functional folder:
Defaults to 'false'.
- itargetf
Where to save the individual data:
- gfolder
in the group target folder
- sfolder
in the individual session folder.
Defaults to 'gfolder'.
- rsmooth:
in case of volume images an optional radius (fwhm) for within mask spatial smoothing (no smoothing if empty). Defaults to ''.
- rdilate:
in case of volume images an optional radius in voxels by which to dilate the masks before use. No dillation will be performed if empty. Defaults to ''.
- step:
how many voxels/grayordinates/parcels to process in a single step. Defaults to 12000.
- rmax
The Fc value above which the estimates are considered to be of the same functional ROI. Set to 0 if it should not be used. Defaults to 0.
- time
Whether to print timing information. [false]
- verbose
Whether to be verbose when running the analysis:
Defaults to 'false'.
- debug
Whether to print debug when running the analysis:
Defauts to 'false'.
- gbcmaps
A structure array for all the computed GBC commands with the following fields:
- title
The title of the extraction as specifed in the frames string, empty if extraction was specified using a numeric value.
- commands
A cell array with the names of the commands used as they were specified.
- subjects
A cell array with the names of subjects for which the GBC maps were computed.
- gbc
An array of GBC images, each holding the results for a single subject across all commands.
- N
Number of frames over which the maps were computed for each participant.
Output files
Based on savegroup specification it saves the following group files:
- <targetf>/gbc_<listname>[_<title>]_<command>_<parameter>[_v<volume>]<fcmeasure>_group_mean
Mean group GBC map.
- <targetf>/gbc_<listname>[_<title>]_<command>_<parameter>[_v<volume>]<fcmeasure>_group_p
Group p values testing difference from 0.
- <targetf>/gbc_<listname>[_<title>]_<command>_<parameter>[_v<volume>]<fcmeasure>_group_Z
Group Z converted p values testing difference from 0.
- <targetf>/gbc_<listname>[_<title>]_<command>_<parameter>[_v<volume>]<fcmeasure>_all_sessions
GBC maps for all sessions.
<targetf> is the group target folder.
<listname> is the listname name of the flist.
<title> is the title of the extraction event(s), if event string was specified.
- <command> is the command specifying the type of the GBC to run (see
command parameter above).
- <parameter> is the additional parameter used with the specified type
of GBC run.
- <volume> is the volume number for those GBC results that return multiple
- <fcmeasure> is the functional connectivity measure used to compute
the GBC.
Based on saveind option specification the following files may be saved:
- <targetf>/gbc[_<sessionid>]_<listname>[_<title>]_<command>_<parameter>_<fcmeasure>
Correlation coefficients or covariances
- <targetf>/gbc[_<sessionid>]_<listname>[_<title>]_<command>_<parameter>_<fcmeasure>_Fz
Fisher Z values
- <targetf>/gbc[_<sessionid>]_<listname>[_<title>]_<command>_<parameter>_<fcmeasure>_Z
Z converted p values testing difference from 0
- <targetf>/gbc[_<sessionid>]_<listname>[_<title>]_<command>_<parameter>_<fcmeasure>_p
p values testing difference from 0
The method returns a structure array named gbcmaps with the fields listed above for each specified data extraction.
- Use:
This function is a wrapper for nimage.img_compute_gbc method. It enables computing GBC for a list of sessions and saving group and/or individual results for each specified GBC type.
Event based GBC GBC can be computed either on the whole timeseries or across events specified using the event string. If an event string is provided, it has to start with a path to the .fidl file to be used to extract the events, following by a pipe separated list of event extraction definitions:
<title>:<eventlist>:<frame offset1>:<frame offset2>
Multiple extractions can be specified by separating them using the pipe '|' separator. Specifically, for each extraction, all the events listed in a comma-separated eventlist will be considered (e.g. 'congruent,incongruent'). For each event all the frames starting from the specified beginning and ending offset will be extracted. If options eventdata is specified as 'all', all the specified frames will be concatenated in a single timeseries, otherwise, each event will be summarised by a single frame in a newly generated events series image.
The GBC will be computed over the resulting time- or eventseries, one map for each specified GBC command.
Reduced or regional GBC GBC can be computed over the whole volume or cifti file, or limited to a specific source and target mask. Source mask specifies for which voxels, grayordinates or parcels to compute the GBC. Target mask specifies across which voxels, grayordinates or parcels to compute the GBC for each source voxel, grayordinate or parcel. If the image is a volume, masks can be optionally smoothed and or dilated. As sessions' gray matter masks differ and do not overlap precisely, rdilate will dilate the borders with the provided number of voxels. Here it is important to note that values from the expanded mask will not be used, rather the values from the valid mask will be smeared into the dilated area.
Computing GBC A GBC map will be computed for each provided command. For details regarding the commands, please, see help for the nimage.img_compute_gbc method.
The results will be returned in a gbcmaps structure and, if so specified, saved.
To compute resting state seed maps using first eigenvariate of each ROI:
qunex fc_compute_seedmaps \ --flist='scz.list' \ --roiinfo='CCNet.names' \ --frames=0 \ --targetf='seed-maps' \ --options='roimethod:pca|ignore:udvarsme'
To compute resting state seed maps using mean of each region and covariances instead of correlation:
qunex fc_compute_seedmaps \ --flist='scz.list' \ --roiinfo='CCNet.names' \ --frames=0 \ --targetf='seed-maps' \ --options='roimethod:mean|igmore:udvarsme|fcmeasure:cv'
To compute seed maps for third and fourth frame of incongruent and congruent trials (listed as inc and con events in fidl files with duration 1) using mean of each region and exclude only frames marked for exclusion in fidl files:
qunex fc_compute_seedmaps \ --flist='scz.list' \ --roiinfo='CCNet.names' \ --frames='incongruent:inc:2,3|congruent:con:2,3' \ --targetf='seed-maps' \ --options='roimethod:mean|ignore:event'
To compute seed maps across all the tasks blocks, starting with the third frame into the block and taking one additional frame after the end of the block, use:
qunex fc_compute_seedmaps \ --flist='scz.list' \ --roiinfo='CCNet.names' \ --frames='task:easyblock,hardblock:2,1' \ --targetf='seed-maps' \ --options='roimethod:mean|ignore:event'