# QuNex 'turnkey' workflow and 'batch' engine The QuNex Suite enables 'Turnkey' processing across the supported functions. This feature enables full automation across selected QuNex steps. This is accomplished via the [`run_turnkey`](../../api/gmri/run_turnkey.rst) QuNex command that enables one step processing of sessions. It is less flexible than running individual `qunex` commands; however, it offers the ability to run the entire QuNex Suite workflow in a single command, either locally or via XNAT. The QuNex turnkey workflow can be invoked in two ways, which can be specified via the following flag: `--turnkeytype=` The two turnkey workflow options are `local` or `xnat`, which will differ in their parameter specification. ````{note} The command examples below do not provide the exhaustive list of all `run_turnkey` parameters. To get a full parameter listing consult [`run_turnkey`](../../api/gmri/run_turnkey.rst) command reference or invoke help via `qunex run_turnkey`. ```` ## QuNex run_turnkey on a cluster or local workstation ## Data assumptions The raw data folder should be: ```sh ${RAW_DATA} ├── HCPA001.zip ├── hcp_mapping.txt └── parameters.txt ``` The folder needs to contain the individual session data (dicom, bids, compressed format). If the data is compressed, it is expected to hold a single session and be named using the following specification: `_.zip`. For example, in the case below this would be `HCPA001.zip`. In addition, the folder needs to contain the two QuNex settings files: * [parameters.txt](../Overview/file_batch_txt) * [hcp_mapping.txt](../Overview/file_mapping) ## The run_turnkey command specification The processing from data ingestion to creation of processing results is then completed by running the following example command, which specifies how to run the turnkey workflow for a **local workstation**: ```sh # - Folder name to generate STUDY_NAME="QUNEX_UseCase" # - Master Working Directory WORK_DIR="/gpfs/project/fas/n3/Studies" # - Location for Raw Data RAW_DATA="/gpfs/project/fas/n3/software/qunexdata/QUNEXTurnkeyUseCase" # - Name of session to process SESSIONS_LIST="HCPA001" # - Input files INPUT_BATCH_FILE="${RAW_DATA}/parameters.txt" INPUT_MAPPING_FILE="${RAW_DATA}/hcp_mapping.txt" # - Type of QuNex Turnkey run RUNTURNKEY_TYPE="local" # - QuNex Turnkey steps RUNTURNKEY_STEPS=\ "create_study,map_raw_data,create_session_info,setup_hcp,create_batch,hcp_pre_freesurfer,hcp_freesurfer,hcp_post_freesurfer,run_qc_t1w,hcp_fmri_volume,hcp_fmri_surface,run_qc_bold,map_hcp_data,create_bold_brain_masks,compute_bold_stats,create_stats_report,extract_nuisance_signal,preprocess_bold,compute_bold_fc_seed,compute_bold_fc_gbc" # - Command call qunex run_turnkey \ --rawdatainput="${RAW_DATA}" \ --dataformat="DICOM" \ --paramfile="${INPUT_BATCH_FILE}" \ --mappingfile="${INPUT_MAPPING_FILE}" \ --workingdir="${WORK_DIR}" \ --projectname="${STUDY_NAME}" \ --path="${WORK_DIR}/${STUDY_NAME}" \ --sessions="${SESSIONS_LIST}" \ --turnkeytype="${RUNTURNKEY_TYPE}" \ --bolds="all" \ --runparcellations=all \ --turnkeysteps="${RUNTURNKEY_STEPS}" \ --overwritestep="no" ``` The command will generate `QUNEX_UseCase` study folder where all the results will be present at the end.