# Running quality control (QC) across modalities The QuNex suite provides both qualitative (i.e. visual) and quantitative QC metrics after key processing steps. The [`run_qc`](../../api/gmri/run_qc.rst) command provides the following types of quality control: * Raw NIFTI visual QC * T1w visual QC * T2w visual QC * Myelin map visual QC * BOLD visual QC * BOLD temporal Signal-to-noise (SNR) * BOLD FC QC for scalar and pconn data * Running BOLD QC with tag selection Refer to the *Notes* and *Examples* sections of the [command's online documentation](../../api/gmri/run_qc.rst) to find information describing each QC command and how to execute it. ## Motion scrubbing and BOLD 'grayplots' QC The [`general_plot_bold_timeseries`](../../api/gmri/general_plot_bold_timeseries.rst) command is used to create a plot of BOLD time series for quality control inspection. Specifically, it allows plotting of BOLD statistics as well as a "watershed" type plots, where intensities of voxels over time are plotted as shades of gray. The command can plot a configurable number of elements from multiple BOLD images, which allows visual inspection of preprocessing effects. For complete documentation and extensive usage description see [`general_plot_bold_timeseries`](../../api/gmri/general_plot_bold_timeseries.rst) or run `qunex general_plot_bold_timeseries` on a machine that has MATLAB installed. ## Running QC via the turnkey command The following example illustrates how to execute the QC calls via the [QuNex Turnkey](Turnkey) functionality. ### Running QC via the turnkey command - example First define the relevant variables: ```` STUDY_NAME="OP2" WORK_DIR="/gpfs/loomis/pi/n3/Studies/MBLab/HCPDev" SESSIONS_LIST="OP268_07032014,OP269_07032014" INPUT_BATCH_FILE="${WORK_DIR}/${STUDY_NAME}/processing/batch.txt" RUNTURNKEY_TYPE="local" RUNTURNKEY_STEPS="run_qc_bold" BOLDS="blink" # --> This variable allows you to select BOLDS by name tag via the batch file ```` [`run_turnkey`](../../api/gmri/run_turnkey.rst) call for QC command: ````bash qunex run_turnkey \ --batchfile="${INPUT_BATCH_FILE}" \ --workingdir="${WORK_DIR}" \ --projectname="${STUDY_NAME}" \ --path="${WORK_DIR}/${STUDY_NAME}" \ --sessions="${SESSIONS_LIST}" \ --turnkeytype="${RUNTURNKEY_TYPE}" \ --turnkeysteps="${RUNTURNKEY_STEPS}" \ --overwritestep="yes" \ --modality="BOLD" \ --bolddata="${BOLDS}" \ --boldprefix="BOLD" \ --boldsuffix="Atlas" ````