# Mapping HCP pipeline results to QuNex file hierarchy organization ````{admonition} Prerequisites * [Running the HCP pipeline](../UsageDocs/RunningPreprocessHCP) ```` For an overview on how to prepare data and run the HCP preprocessing steps, see [Overview of steps for running the HCP pipeline](../UsageDocs/HCPPreprocessing). Once images are preprocessed using HCP pipelines, the results need to be mapped back to the QuNex folder structure. This step is accomplished using [`map_hcp_data`](../../api/gmri/map_hcp_data.rst) command. The command uses information from the batch file and does the following: * maps high resolution T1w image * maps high resolution FreeSurfer aparc+aseg segmentation * creates low resolution version (matching BOLD images) of FreeSurfer aparc+aseg segmentation * maps 32k low resolution surface maps and generates an updated .spec file * maps volume and grayordinate (CIFTI) BOLD images * generates a movement correction report file Parameters that are relevant for this step and should be set either in the command line or in a `batch.txt` file. They can be found in the [`map_hcp_data`](../../api/gmri/map_hcp_data.rst) command's online reference.